New ORHS Principal Suzanne Filippone

Ms. Filippone is a local -- high school at Berwick Academy, UNH grad, and she currently lives in the district. She starts at Oyster River in July.

I signed a non-disclosure agreement, so I can't say much. I will say that all six candidates were great, and I thought any of them would make a great principal of ORHS. But we chose the best. Congratulations, Principal Filippone. Good luck in your new job.
Football Fails
At the previous meeting, Athletic Director Parker said that the board endorsing the cooperative implies the district supports a local team once the cooperative ends. Before this revelation, the board was ready to approve the coop as a compromise that allowed students to play at Portsmouth HS without having to host a team at ORHS.
Tonight's discussion on the football coop went oddly, with member Howland immediately moving the cooperative issue be punted to the March 2017 voters. This was amended to ask 2017 voters to approve "a football program" at Oyster River. Members Klein and Rotner thought it was the board's decision, and shouldn't be passed to the voters. The motion failed.
Member Day made the sensible motion to approve an application that is up front with the NHIAA that the district currently has no plans to proceed with football once the cooperative ends. In other words, instead of punting to the voters, punt to the NHIAA. Member Rotner, a physician, worried about medical concerns related to sudden decelerations. Chairman Newkirk worried that the agreement will end after one year if the NHIAA moves to four divisions. He also was concerned about Title IX costs. Member Falwell worried a later start time will mean football players miss a lot of class. Member Klein lamented the proposed agreement does not assure the kids a sustainable program they can invest themselves in. The motion failed, with only Member Day voting in the affirmative.
I think it's unfortunate the kids really into football won't get to play. My opinion is much of the problem is with the current agreement, mostly Portsmouth's intent to dissolve it as soon as they can, not with coop agreements in general. Perhaps there will be better cooperative opportunities in the future.
The issue of moving middle and high school start times to after 8:30 to accord with current research is heating up in the community. I made a public comment suggesting the district collect data now, to determine both student sleep habits "before" and parent sentiment. I also suggested a plan I call Swap60+15: Elem 7:45-2:25 MSHS 8:45-3:45. Swap means elementary and high school starts are interchanged, 60 means 60 minutes between the start times (versus the current 75) and +15 means 15 additional minutes in the elementary school day.
It's the parents that are going to make the difference. I think the board's determination of the parents' views will determine their votes. It looks like opposition against the change is getting organized, with this petition circulating. The debate tends to go on on the ORCSD School Start Time facebook page.
Field Ahead of Schedule, Lights Approved
Construction on the field commenced several weeks early. The warm winter meant the ground was not frozen as expected. This moves the expected completion date to the end of September from mid-October. About a third of the current field is fenced off, with heavy equipment already digging out the drainage space under the new track and field.
In a surprise to me, the board approved spending excess fund balance on the lights for the field. Business Administrator Caswell stated this will not decrease the amount of fund balance expected to be returned to the taxpayer. The found money came from unexpectedly low health insurance costs and some budgeted salaries for positions vacant or filled at less cost than expected.
The issue came up when the contractor offered a $20,000 discount if the lights could be included in the initial construction. The lights, along with dugouts (I had previously written "bleachers" -- I'm not sure about them now), were not part of the proposal approved by the voters last month. It was stated then that the expected $300,000 cost would be raised from community donations. Members Barth and Farwell voted against, saying the ballot was clear and the vote recent, so this change will cause the board to lose credibility with the voters. I expect funds for the dugouts will still be raised privately.
I have to side with Barth and Farwell on this one. First of all, contractor utterances should be treated skeptically. I wonder what would have happened if the board had voted themselves a $40,000 discount?
Next, the whole transaction is ill-thought out. If my buddy wants to buy me a gift, it doesn't make any sense for me to tell him I can get it cheaper so I'll just buy it for myself. I'm out all the money instead of getting a free gift, and my buddy never got to give me anything. It really doesn't make sense when it's not my money I'm spending, but the taxpayers'.
Last, my pet peeve is when the board goes on a spending spree at year end with fund balance rather than returning the money to the taxpayers. Member Day made the comment that the problem with returning the money to the taxpayers is that in two years taxes go up more than expected. I don't really find the logic that I should pay more tax this year so I don't get a big shock next year particularly compelling. I want the board to keep as tight a lid on spending as is reasonable every year. Plus if they really want to smooth out tax increases, there's a reserve fund the voters authorized for that purpose in 2013. The board could vote to put the money in that fund rather than blowing it on lights that someone else was going to pay for.
Other News
The district held a forum on grief and loss earlier in the week. Member Barth stressed she hoped this would be first of many, and that district would focus on prevention and gun safety.
Full Day K enrollment is currently 53 Mast Way, 51 Moharimet. Once 54 enroll at Moharimet, future enrollees will end up at Mast Way no matter where they live. So if you want your kid to attend Moharimet Kindergarten, you better enroll them right away.
The 35 houses expected to be built at the west end of Hayes Rd. were assigned to the Mast Way school. Neighboring elementary students on Hayes Rd. attend Moharimet. The move is intended to aid equalization between the schools -- Moharimet is still overcrowded. As the houses are yet to be built, there's no one to complain.
Next year's health insurance premium increase came in at 8%, a savings of $324K or .75% of the budget. One of the budget shocks this year came when our insurers gave us budget guidance of a "guaranteed maximum" increase of 16%. It turned out to be half that, which means more money in next year's fund balance for the board to blow.
We need more checks and balances on spending. The board should not get to blow 300k without voter approval on unspent funds. Those lights do nothing for education and would have been paid for by donors. Disgusting.
ReplyDeletethe board does this thinking voters don't care but most voters have no clue of some of the boards decisions. No wonder property taxes are sky high.
They expanded kindergarten yet massive amount of vetted academics data shows full time vs half time makes zero difference in outcomes across all demographics.
We really need some ground swell to reign in the board.
300k on lights which was a rider on a controversial expenditure vote for decades is another slap in the face of voters. Unfortunately with politics the best way to get rid of Morse and Rottner would be attack them personally. Morse is a scammer.
I'm still not clear on how the money for the field got calculated as only .01 in tax rate.
I don't think it was $300K on lights because that figure includes bleachers.
DeleteI'm not sure where that .01 number you talk about comes from. They get a tiny number the first year because there's only interest, say $40K out of a $40M budget, .1%. But the bond is $1.5M + interest over 10 years, so works out to about .5% of the budget for the duration.
I like the board and the superintendent. I don't think they're scammers or personal attacks are warranted. I do think they sometimes spend too much of our money. There is plenty of opportunity for public comment and open elections every year if you want to effect change.