Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Guide to the March 2025 Oyster River School District Election
It's election day! This is my annual voting guide to the ORCSD election. I promised myself I wouldn't just post around election day, and now I've procrastinated for a year to the point that very few people will see this before the election.
I'll try to clearly delineate my opinion in italics from the factual information.
TL;DR: I'm not that sure this year, because I haven't been paying that close attention, but I'm voting for Heather Smith and Sean Harrison in the contested school board race, and YES on everything but article 5, the $531K for architects making plans to mod the elementary schools.
Election Day is Tuesday March 11, 2025. If you're a US citizen at least 18 years of age who lives in Lee, Madbury or Durham (including UNH students who live in the district), you can do same day registration on election day at your town's polling place and vote. Even if you've never voted or registered to vote in New Hampshire before, you can vote Tuesday. Until recently, you could show up without ID and sign affidavits, but now, according to Lee's website: "Proofs of identity, age, citizenship and domicile MUST be presented to register to vote. Click here for an explanation of the requirements to register to vote under the new law." A passport or birth certificate, driver's license and a utility bill or government check with your address would be good documentation for a same-day registrant to have. Already registered voters just need a state photo ID.
Your election day polling place and voting times depend on where you live:
Lee: Public Safety Complex 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Article 1 elects the moderator. Former Chair of the school board, Michael Williams, has been doing a great job as moderator, and no one else wants the job, so I'm voting for Michael.
The moderator's goal is an unbiased election process in accordance with New Hampshire law. The Town Meeting and School Meeting Handbook, mostly instructions for moderators, runs 101 pages. It says moderators have two year terms; I don't know why ours has a one year term.
The real race is four people running for the two at-large seats.
Heather Smith is the incumbent, up for reelection after her first three year term. Back then I was initially skeptical as I had never seen anyone who wanted the position so much. But that's Heather -- very enthusiastic, very competent, very hard working, always with the students' best interests at heart. I'm voting for Heather Smith.
I don't know the other candidates. I'll try to gather information. There's very little out there. I can't find candidate facebook sites (except for Harrison) or articles or questionnaires. The main source of information is Candidates Night. I made an auto-transcript and labeled the speakers. I haven't wrestled it into English, but you may be able to skim through that faster than watching the 95 minute forum. I'll jot down a few tidbits.
He's gotten it together enough to produce a candidate facebook site and I even saw some signs out there in the real world. They're full color, with an apple. They're not the single color signs that subtly convey Yankee frugality.
Article 3 is the giant budget appropriation. One interesting measure is the difference between the operating budget and the default budget, $58M vs $57.48M, $523K, less than one percent. That means a NO win won't have much effect on your taxes -- it would be a mostly symbolic victory. It would however be a huge symbol; in my entire time watching ORCSD politics, for the budget YES always wins in Oyster River, usually by 50 points.
Here's some history: In 2020, this read $47.5M, 2021: 50.2M, 2022: 52.2M, 2023: 53.2M: 2024: 56.2M now $58.0M. That's 5% over last year, 4% annual inflation over the five years. School inflation generally runs higher than the 2.3% general inflation we'd gotten used to. This doesn't seem burn-it-all-down terrible; in fact it's hard to see the spike in inflation in 2022. This doesn't include the spending below.
I'm voting YES, but I'm grumpy about it. The truth is, inflation hits schools like everywhere else.
This is a payment toward buying the middle school solar array, same as the last few years. It's a good deal for the taxpayers to own the array. I'm voting YES. "No amounts to be raised from taxation" is the usual boilerplate lie.
The district realized it needs to buy two new turf fields every decade or so, so it puts away money in this account. I'm voting YES.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Ickes, Cisneros and Bacon Win
SCHOOL DISTRICT UNOFFICIAL RESULTS (Durham, Lee, and Madbury Combined Ballots from all three precincts.)
For Moderator (1 Year) (Vote for not more than one)
Michael Williams - 1525 ELECTED
For School Board - Lee (3 years) (Vote for not more than one)
Renee Beauregard Bennett - 347 25.6%
Rebecca Blake - 285 21.0%
Brian Cisneros - 726 53.5% ELECTED
For School Board - Durham (3 Years) (Vote for not more than one)
Jason Kolligs - 82 6.1%
Stephanie Pitts - 210 15.6%
Andrea Chan - 142 10.5%
John Colwell - 158 11.7%
Kelly Ickes - 754 56.0% ELECTED
For School Board - Madbury (3 Years) (Vote for not more than one)
Matt Bacon - 369 87.4% ELECTED
Others - 53 12.6%
Shall the District raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant article and other appropriations voted separately, the amount set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session, for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $56,248,037. Should this article be defeated, the operating budget shall be $55,929,305 (Default Budget) which is the same as last year with certain adjustments required by previous action of the District or by law; or the District may hold one special meeting in accordance with RSA 40:1 3, X, and XVI to take up the issue of the revised operating budget only. The School Board recommends this appropriation. (Majority vote required)
Note: Fund 10 = $54,415,352 (regular operating budget); Fund 21 = $1,191,685 (expenditures from food service revenues); Fund 22 = $600,000 (expenditures from federal/special revenues); Fund 23 = $41,000 (expenditures from pass through funds).
YES - 1208 74.4% PASSED
NO - 415 23.1%
Shall the District vote to approve within the provisions of New Hampshire RSA 273-A:3 the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Oyster River Intervention and Tutors Association and the Oyster River School Board which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits at the current staffing levels:
2024-2025 $139,846.63
2025-2026 $ 35,219.00
2026-2027 $ 18,695.59
and further to raise and appropriate the sum of $139,846.63 for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increases in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels? The School Board recommends this appropriation. (Majority vote required)
YES - 1367 76.9% PASSED
NO - 411 23.1%
Shall the District vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $125,000 to be added to the Facilities Development, Maintenance, and Replacement Trust which was established in March of 2017.This sum to come from June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1. The School Board recommends this appropriation. (Majority vote required) No amounts to be raised from taxation.
YES - 1408 92.3% PASSED
NO - 118 7.7%
Shall the District establish an Artificial Turf Field Replacement Expendable Trust Fund under the provisions of RSA I98:20-c,for replacing the District's Artificial Athletics Turf Fields, and raise and appropriate up to $125,000 for this purpose with such amount to be funded from the year-end undesignated fund balance, and further, to name the School Board as agents to expend from the Artificial Turf Field Replacement Trust. (Majority vote required)
YES - 1036 59.6% PASSED
NO - 701 40.4%
Shall the District establish a non-lapsing Athletic Field Revolving Fund in accordance with RSA 194:3-c to be funded by receipts from the use of the District's athletic fields for the purpose of maintaining and replacing the athletic fields. Further to raise and appropriate the sum of one dollar($1.00). Withdrawals from the revolving fund will be made on an annual basis as needed. (Majority vote required)
YES - 1252 72.0% PASSED
NO - 487 28.0%
Total ORCSD votes cast today: 1890
Monday, March 4, 2024
The Race Is On, But You Wouldn't Know It
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[EDIT 3/9] The Candidates Forum on Thursday night implied that Andrea Chan and Rebecca Blake weren't running -- at least they weren't announced as candidates. Watch the forum here; it starts around 56 minutes in. There's also a piece in Fosters.
I'm on vacation, so this will be my only post before election day. Here are last year's voting instructions; no guarantee that they'll apply this year.
Election Day, Tuesday, March 12, 2024
There are contested school board elections on March 12. Vote at your usual polling place; same day registration is available.
The campaigns seem silent; at least I haven't seen any sign of them online or driving around. There's a students' candidate forum scheduled for 6pm, March 7 in the ORHS auditorium. I haven't seen any commitment to making it available online, and there's a very spotty history of timely posting of Candidates Night videos because the district tries to remain at arms length, but hopefully Alex is on it and we'll get to see something before election day. Sometimes the PTOs, the teachers' guild or Oyster River Equity put out voting information; I haven't seen any of that yet, but be on the lookout.
The ORCSD board consists of seven members: four at-large seats and three town-specific seats, one each from Durham, Lee and Madbury. You must reside in the town to hold the town-specific seat, even though voters from all three towns get to vote for or against you. School board terms are three years.
No one asked me this year, so I didn't give anyone my usual free advice for a contested race. I'll give it here for everyone; it's mostly too late for this cycle: (1) buy 100 coroplastic signs with stands, nothing fancy, last name in large, readable letters, (2) make a facebook page and post things to it, (3) maybe team up with another candidate and do a mailer, (4) make a sign with your name on it for Candidates Night, and (5) talk to voters at the transfer stations.
The Candidates
This year it's the three town-specific seats that are up for election. Here are the candidates; I'll feed the names into facebook and link to any school-board specific pages that come up. It looks like Seacoast Online / Portsmouth Herald is doing candidate stories; I've found four so far, all dated February 22, so that may be it. I'll include those links as well. Add to the free advice: (6) when the Portsmouth Herald asks questions, answer them.
Andrea Chan |
Andrea Chan appears to be the proprietor of Andrea Chan Photography, specializing in children's photography. I didn't find any additional biographical information on Ms. Chan.
John Colwell |
Mr. Colwell has a bachelor of science in chemical engineering, a bachelor of arts in German language, and is an engineer for a battery materials startup. He moved to Durham in 2022, and he has a second grader and a soon to be kindergartener in the district. This is his first time running for any office.
Kelly Ickes |
Members are no longer allowed to endorse, but long-time chair and current holder of the Durham seat Tom Newkirk tells me that he served with Ms. Ickes on the superintendent search committee, and that she has kids in the district and has been active in PTO. Tom says her background in educational assessment makes her a "good fit."
Stephanie Pitts |
What would be your top three priorities if you are elected? 1. Ensure quality education is provided for all students, based on scientific principles and proven methods for education content and delivery. 2. Ensure public schools remain truly public and free from bias of politics, religion, or other cultural pressures. 3. Improve/ensure student safety at all educational levels from both internal and external threats (teacher/administrative screening, visitor policies, threats and violence, etc.).
Rebecca Blake |
I didn't find much relevant information about Rebecca Blake; judging from her publicly available facebook photos she has two school-aged children and a nice smile.
This is the biased part of the post, where I give my opinion. This year it's pretty uninformed; feel free to stop reading now. I'm away for a week so I'm going to vote absentee in the next day or two if I can.
Monday, February 5, 2024
ORCSD Deliberative Session Tuesday February 6, 2024
Last year I promised myself I wouldn't only post around election time, and yet here we are. I'm not even a district parent anymore, as my boy graduated in June. I'm still the middle school MATHCOUNTS co-coach with Ms. Gehling, and I was the NH state MATHCOUNTS coach this year. On Saturday Oyster River made it into the state MATHCOUNTS finals, which are slated for March 9.
Here we see the board adopted a goal near the high end of its usual increases, which is perhaps expected as they attempt to keep up with the recent inflation. As for expenses, we got a nasty health insurance increase. The 15.1% is a `guaranteed maximum' for budgeting; often the actual number comes in less and the district gets to use the difference as a slush fund. The next five aren't a surprise; these are contracts negotiated in previous years. That includes the middle school bond; the $583K is the first payment of a second bond.
It's getting late so I better move this along. If you haven't seen ORITA before, it's because the Oyster River Intervention and Tutors Association is a new union. I believe they're paraprofessionals, so I'm not sure why they're not part of ORPaSS. We have the usual exasperating lack of context: no indication of how many tutors we're talking about, no report of the associated expenses for total wages, benefits, FICA, etc. We're told the large number this upcoming year is due to the addition of health care for these folks. There's no amending negotiated contracts, but maybe we can get some answers at DS.
This is the middle school solar array fund. The school has the option to buy the solar array after seven years. This article first appeared in 2021 so this will be the fourth year. It's a good move financially to buy the array, so to that end we put away $125K every year.
This fund is new. The district now owns two turf fields, with the older high school field (built in summer 2016 at a cost of $2.3M) needing major maintenance. The $125K is not a one-time expense; this is expected to be a recurring article that annually puts away what is presumably the estimated annual cost to maintain two turf fields. The life of a field is 10 to 13 years, so I don't think the math works out here; in 13 years we'll have collected $1.625M, not enough for one field, let alone two. Then again, I can imagine the installation costing more the first time than subsequent times.